Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spiritual Quotient - S.Q

SPIRIT means SOUL which is distinct from your body. Spiritual Quotient (S.Q) is perhaps the only yard stick to judge a person in totality considering today’s hectic life style to keep your health, wealth and mind in proper shape. It is a sum total of all quotients like INTELLIGENT, EMOTIONAL, CULTURE, KNOWLEDGE, etc. Bhagwad Gita is the best book ever written by anyone and perhaps will be learnt by all management gurus world over from Gandhi to Godse, Bin Laden to Bush, Harshad to Dhirubhai, Indira to Atal. S.Q. Point is unique to all human being which is instrumental in developing his vision and values which can be developed by following basic values.

HUMANITY & HUMILITY – All human beings are different from each other and therefore one should develop humanity by treating a person basically a human irrespective of his cast and creed. When a man gets success in his life of his chosen field, he tends to be arrogant thinking that he knows all the subjects in totality with the results he loses humility for others. One should guard against such attitude failing which his down fall is not far away.

SIMPLICITY & MODESTY – It is so simple to be happy but difficult to be simple especially in today’s materialistic world. You should be simple from heart but not for the show. Your most of the problem in your life is the outcome of your EGO/ I-NESS, while dealing with others. One should imbibe modesty in his life and style.

NON-VIOLENCE & FORGIVENESS – Violence refers to physical and mental injury to others. One should not harm others knowingly but take care not to harm unknowingly even though you may be right when you talk to them. You cannot undo something done by someone unknowingly but it requires great courage and virtue for brave persons to forgive to someone who has harm you intentionally. You always gain when you use decent language and polite behavior, while interacting with others.

FORTHRIGHTNESS AND TRANSPARENCY – One should try to be forthright and transparent in his action and dealing with others to have peace of mind.

CONSISTANCY – One should have consistency in your purpose and action to achieve peace and tranquility in his life.

EQUIPOSE OR EVENNESS OF MIND – Birth, ageing, sickness, death etc. are facts of life and natural phenomenon and therefore take life as it comes gracefully without fear and pain.

ADJUSTMENT – Add Just-Like sugar in a cup of tea, one should adjust his way as per circumstances but should not be a complete surrender to others.

NON ATTACHMENT & DETACHMENT – Excessive attachment and reliance on some one should be avoided.. It is not correct that we should not be close to our near dear but one should not have over attachment for anybody. In the present materialistic world, this has great importance than earlier days when wants were limited. One should be happy with what he gets but should not feel unhappy if he is not able to get it. Man is born alone and has to die alone and therefore develop an attitude to love himself by keeping some minutes in a day / some days in a year for solitude for devoting to the Almighty to know himself to get inner peace.

SACRIFICE – The day you start living for others, you will feel life worth living.

The above points are worth pondering over to correct your S.Q. power having a scale from 60 to 140 as the life progress. The ideal S.Q. is 100 plus for practical life for survival in this dog eats dog’s life.

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