Sunday, April 24, 2011

Past is PAST

It is so simple to advice but difficult to implement the art of
forgetting the past and therefore Forgive First and you will be able
to forget your past.

Whenever you hear a good joke you always like but the same is repeated
everyday, you will start hating the good joke which will turn into bad
joke. Similarly, any past episodes (good or bad) are repeated, our
mind tends to get irritated and in the process you loose the zeal of
living in present. Mind has tendency to repeat bad experience of life
everyday thereby making life of majority of persons miserable. It is
the endeavor of good persons to forget the past and live in present.
Like share market, any script coming to bottom cannot find another
bottom and therefore it has to rise upward only. The person who looks
PRESENT as PLEASANT and forgets the past, gets opportunity to lead
better life. Luck and action are two sides of coins but action is in
our hand while luck is not in our hand and therefore why worry about
what will happen in future which is not predictable but at least you
will be happy that you have worked hard to make life beautiful.

The way a persons deals with unpleasantness of the past influences
largely his attitude and approach of dealing with present. To carry
emotional baggage does not augur well, it could affect your self
esteem. You may get convinced that you are the root cause of all the
misfortune and criticizing yourself. The already low level of self
esteem could move further and make you cynical. Embers of wrong
memories fan out by self pity and self criticism. In other word, you
are becoming judge of your own trial and therefore one has to move
with life to view the past episode as one among many in everyone’s

Whatever will be WILL BE and reacting to past is keeping alive dead
horse. Every event is the outcome of host of complex factors which
are not entirely predictable or controllable. The POSSIBILITY thinker
is positive and has faith in himself that any dream is possible. The
PROBABILITY thinker is skeptical with self doubt and failure.

The unsavory memories of the past should not become such conviction
that bind us and restricts our freedom to evolve and grow. Treat the
present as a PRESENT, a gift free from the past. Let us wake up to
dream about the wonderful future that beckons us.

Chandraknt S Modi - Dated 20-04-2011

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