Saturday, September 04, 2010

Stress To Success Secrets - John Demartini

On a daily basis:

1.Write and read your goals.
2.Clear away your goal's obstacles.
3.Prioritize your activities.
4.Act on top priorities.
5.Visualize your success.
6.Write and read your affirmations.
7.Practice deep breathing and stretching.
8.Do selective and collective reading.
9.Groom for success.
10.Dress for success.
11.Love what you do and do what you love.
12.Surround yourself with 'succeeders'.
13.Drink lots of water.
14.Eat light, moderate meals.
15.Reduce the four 'addictors' - coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and sugar.
16.Contract and then relax all muscles.
17.Help others fulfill their goals.
18.Save 5 to 10 percent of your earnings.
19.Write three thank-you letters.
20.Reward yourself for your accomplishments.
21.Express feelings of love.
22.Hug someone special.
23.Clean and organize your environment.
24.Eliminate low-priority 'non-necessities'.
25.Study the subject you'd love to master.
26.Spend time in total meditative silence.
27.Massage your body or scalp.
28.Take a hot bath before retiring.
29.Count your blessings with gratitude.
30.Get a good night's rest.
31.Follow a Stress-to Success Checklist.

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