In business there’s a lot of talk about strategies for making more money.
But not enough about getting your mind into a state where it is highly effective.
That’s a big mistake, because it’s only when an entrepreneur’s mind is centered, focused and clear that we can achieve at a high level.
Haven’t you had days when you just weren’t thinking clearly at work?
Times when you weren’t performing at your best, for no other reason than that your mind wasn’t in the right place?
For most entrepreneurs this negative or distracted mind state occurs regularly, maybe every week or so.
It can be very costly too: we can make bad decisions, speak unkindly to our staff, or just not get much stuff done.
As harmful as this way of being is, the good news is that it can be easily fixed, with a simple technique I developed recently.
I call it The Two Reminders.
As you get ready for work, take a couple of minutes to sit with a pen and pad and just think about these two ideals:
1. Ideal Person.
What kind of person do you aspire to be? What are the character traits that you would most like to exhibit to others?
What kind of ways would you like to think? Typical answers might include: calm, focused, happy, uplifting, clever, inspiring, kind, effective, a top performer, creative, optimistic, efficient.
Spend a few moments each day seeing yourself as that kind of person.
2. Ideal Business.
What do you want your business to look like? What kind of services are you providing, and of what quality?
How do you want to come across to customers? How much money do you want to make? What makes your company different from the rest?
Think about your company as you would like it to be. Just for a minute or two.
Now, go and behave like you are indeed that ideal person, running that type of business.
The Two Reminders are so powerful because we often forget that when we get our inner self right, our outer circumstances soon change for the better.
But if all we do is work, without first focusing on who we want to be, then our results are usually ordinary.