Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The 3 Missing Ingredients of Success - Siimon Reynolds

Success is simple.

If you are not achieving at the level you’d like, it’s almost certainly because of at least one of these 3 factors.


Most people aren’t totally clear on what they want.

Sure they have a vague idea about a general direction, but that’s not enough.

You need to get absolutely crystal clear about your goals, and create a step by step path to making progress towards them.

You don’t have to know every step, just the next few. Once you travel a little further down the path, you’ll usually work out what to do next.

If you’re unhappy with your progress, the first solution is to sit down and re- clarify your objectives.


There are some people who are clear about what they want, but they just don’t do much to achieve it.

We live in a physical world, which functions by cause and effect, action and re-action. Unless you take lots of actions, significant change can’t occur. Conversely when you do act productively and proactively, it’s is astounding how much progress you can make over time.

I don’t think it’s a matter of intelligence either, it’s more about choosing those actions that maximise results, and exerting enough energy to move things forward.


If you have Clarity and Productivity, you will usually massively outperform the average person. These two alone are formidable forces.

But occasionally people who exhibit both still fail. When this happens it can often be attributed to their lack of belief in themselves.

To achieve anything worthwhile you will confront countless obstacles and hardships.

The unsuccessful person is taken by surprise by these obstacles, and begins to doubt themselves.

The high achieving person understands that temporary failure is the very fabric of success. They know that nothing of worth was ever achieved in the history of mankind without initial failure. Ever.

When you choose to really believe in yourself, it affects your results in two profound ways.

You take more powerful actions, which inevitably lead to superior results.

And the people around you respect you more. They sense that you are a dynamic, effective, confident force to be reckoned with, and are more likely to want to help and support you.

So if you’re not satisfied with your success in business or life, take a few minutes to think about which of these three ingredients you may be missing.

Then each day when you wake up, resolve to focus on that area.

Pretty soon, your new focus will become a new habit, and that new habit will create a new destiny.

Maximising Your Income - Siimon Reynolds

I was on a plane from North Carolina to Los Angeles last week.

200 people on board and bored.

The flight was over 5 hours, yet only once did the flight attendants walk down the aisle offering food/snacks.

If they had simply done it twice they would have increased revenue by at least 30%.
Now this airline has well over 1000 flights every day, so just think how many tens of millions of dollars they are missing out on, simply by not coming back to their customers with another chance to buy.

Are you making the same mistake in your business?

Customers who buy once will often buy two, three or ten times.

If only they are asked.

Hundreds of billions of dollars of potential income is lost every year by all the businesses that don’t follow up the first sale with other enticements.

Repeat offers.

New reasons to buy.

Discounts for the next purchase.

A calendar of sale events.

Any of these techniques will increase the profits of any business significantly.

So many business owners complain that they aren’t making enough money.

But like that airline, they’re ignoring the opportunities right in front of them.